European Footprints presents The Brussels Balkan Orchestra

On 26 November 2021, we have joined forces with the Brussels Balkan Orchestra in a unique concert + art exhibition at the Theatre Molière in Ixelles (Brussels, Belgium), to call for peace, social inclusion and sustainable development.

The European Footprint’s team with Brussels Balkan Orchestra founder, Nicolas Hauzeur (first on the left). 

  The concert

Through an eclectic repertoire, the Brussels Balkan Orchestra invited us to discover the richness of the Balkans and to witness the power of music to bring together the artistic and multicultural talent that characterizes the city of Brussels.

The concert was organised in collaboration with the not-for-profit association Muziekpulique and thanks to the sponsorship of Morton Place… and it was sold out

  The exhibition

Alongside the concert, we organised an exhibition to wrap up a year-long of our European Solidarity Corps funded project and beyond! 

We highlighted stories and projects from our participants, including the goals achieved by ambassadors of the #MakeAPledge initative during their six-month pledge. And celebrated the power of art to interpret, enhance and spread sustainability in all its forms, through the illustration “Vegetation of all nations unite!” by the Crioatian artist Vanesa Matošević, which was inspired by the stories and participants of the European Footprints project.


This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. Its content reflects the views of the author (The European Footprints initiative) only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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