
Meet the ambassadors of the #MakeAPledge initiative: for six months (April – September 2021) we are going to follow their adventures while they try to make some sustainable changes in their lives or in their communities.




A Polish who fell in love with Austria, she wanted to be a criminologist, but eventually became a graphic designer trying to find her ways in the bilingual world. She is a bookworm shamelessly judging books by their covers and never refuses a good mountain hike or a cup of oat-cappuccino.

« I pledge to make my toiletries and bathroom products and habits more sustainable and plastic free. »




European Studies student, she dreams of working to protect democracy out on the wild web! She loves travelling both in reality and through the pages of fantasy books, but at home, you can find her in the kitchen making vegetarian meals and baking: she is a newly sourdough enthusiast. 

«  I pledge to raise awareness about plastic waste and encourage my peers to push for a better recycling initiative at my university. »




She recently got a plant obsession and her collection tripled in the past few months. When she is not talking to her plants, she likes riding her new bike cycling around the river or planning a trip for when the world opens up. Her sweet tooth can also make her start baking at any given time.

« I pledge to rethink the way I consume fast fashion and make the switch towards slow fashion. »




Latin dance lover, globetrotter and PhD education policy researcher, Laura dreams of opening a popular education model school of her own one day. You can find her surfing the ocean, mountain biking or nerding on the Internet, looking for grants and writing articles, as long as she has good company and a cup of good coffee beside her.

« I pledge to support kid’s education and learning opportunities in my community and to work towards a more equal and just society. »




Graduated in Sustainability Science and Policy and soon in European Governance too, she dreams of making a change fighting for the environment at European levels, while also taking action at a personal one to raise awareness on the climate crisis. She loves English scones, Dutch stroopwafels and croissants!

« I pledge to implement sustainable development from theory to practice in my daily life at home and within the scale of my city. »




She is a filmmaker from Ghana, currently attending an international master’s degree in documentary directing at DocNomads (Portugal, Hungary, Belgium). Starting from her own personal story on disability, she wants to do her part to make the world a better and more inclusive place, while helping other disabled people to find their voice too.

« I pledge to raise awareness about disability and encourage people to be more inclusive. »




Born and raised in beautiful Valencia (Spain), she lives and works at an Environmental NGO in Hamburg (Germany). She is committed to living a more sustainable life –  without pretending to be perfect, but trying to be flexible, consistent and implementing little big daily changes.

« I pledge not to eat meat and encourage my family to rethink their meat consumption»




A filmmaker and storyteller from Senegal, he is very passionate about travel and adventure, culture and ethnicity. He has used his work to contribute to the development of the local communities he has worked and lived with, learning to adapt to all types of personalities and cultures.

« I pledge to use my passion for filmmaking to raise awareness of sustainability issues in my community. »

This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. Its content reflects the views of the author (The European Footprints initiative) only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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