Stories that leave a mark

About us

We all leave traces behind, whether it’s our carbon footprint or the mark we leave in someone’s life. But we have the power to choose to leave a positive footprint; one that takes into consideration the world we live in, and one where others can follow! There are more than 7.7 billion people in the world, and some say more than 8.7 billion animal and plant species on our beautiful planet. Just imagine, that at any given time, there are approximately 10,000 trillion living ants, going about their daily business. We’re just one tiny part of the universe.

About us

We all leave traces behind, whether it’s our carbon footprint or the mark we leave in someone’s life. But we have the power to choose to leave a positive footprint; one that takes into consideration the world we live in, and one where others can follow! There are more than 7.7 billion people in the world, and some say more than 8.7 billion animal and plant species on our beautiful planet. Just imagine, that at any given time, there are approximately 10,000 trillion living ants, going about their daily business. We’re just one tiny part of the universe.

Our three main values are:


We see “European” as an attitude, not by taking a geographical or political stance, but by uniting in diversity and striving towards a common goal of stability, wellbeing, and community building.


We believe the best way to live our lives is to take only what you need, without causing harm to your social and natural environment.


On the path towards a sustainable future for us all, we each have our own unique stories to tell, and we weave our own part of the common narrative.

European Footprints started as a project inspired by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but our founders soon realised that there was much more at stake than the SDGs alone.

We aim to raise awareness on the footprints we leave behind, and to empower people to cultivate a more responsible and sustainable lifestyle: ecologically, socially and emotionally.

We share positive stories because we believe that everyone belongs in the same narrative, each with our own part to play. Our vision is not one of a perfect world. There is no such thing as ‘perfect’, but each and everyone of us can strive to do our best within our means, in order to make our own corners of the world a little more sustainable and socially connected.

This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. Its content reflects the views of the author (The European Footprints initiative) only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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