Welcome to the European Footprints blog series

to the
European Footprints
blog series

For the SDGs to be met, everyone needs to do their part. Governments, the private sector, civil society, and the general public – which of course, that includes you!

In this blog series, you’ll discover ways in which you can implement these goals in your daily routine. You’ll also get to learn about our personal stories and all sorts of sustainable stuff that we’re passionate about.

Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 2

Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 2

37 days without eating meat and ... that’s okay!In today's chapter I am going to tell you about my first 37 days without eating meat, the difficult challenges or struggles that I have faced, and how I have overcome them. So, let's get started! The first week was a bit...

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“Doposcuola Quarticciolo”: people and activities

“Doposcuola Quarticciolo”: people and activities

Part 2. A little bit more about us and what we doPrevious postNext postHow does the project “Doposcuola Quarticciolo” organize itself? What do we do? How?  As “Doposcuola Quarticciolo” we are an informal group of young university students; each with a unique...

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Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 1

Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 1

Hola a todos! First of all: Thank you for taking the time to get here and read the first piece of my #MakeAPledge no-meat journey :)I am Eli, I am 28 years old and I was born in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Valencia (Spain). I studied Political Science and I...

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Reducing Plastic Waste: cutting down consumption

Reducing Plastic Waste: cutting down consumption

Check out Lilia's previous blog post (#1)Hi everyone! 😊 Thanks for checking in on my journey and reading the next instalment of my blog! Last time I posted I had just made a brand new Facebook group (Plastic Free Aarhus). Well I am pleased to say that the group has...

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An Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals

An Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals

15 - 18 yoWant to learn how you can make the world a better place? Are you itching to become a sustainability superstar? Then these are the goals for you! Set up by the United Nations in September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pave the way to...

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Disability & me

Disability & me

I consider myself disabled because I live with chronic depression and anxiety, which affects every aspect of my daily life. It took me a long time to recognise my mental illness as a disability, because of the stigma that often exists around disability. I became...

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16 Things You Can Do To Become an Active Citizen

16 Things You Can Do To Become an Active Citizen

12 - 15 yo Are you too young to vote? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we prove that there are at least 16 things you can do to deserve the title of an "active citizen" regardless of your young age.There is a perception among many that active...

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“Doposcuola Quarticciolo”: an education project

“Doposcuola Quarticciolo”: an education project

Part 1. Meet my story and the education project I am part of!Next postHello everyone, today I want to tell you a bit about a beautiful project I am part of! Since last year, I am actively part of an initiative related to education and development, called “Doposcuola...

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Are you a sustainability superstar yourself? Do you want to contribute to the European Footprints blog series? Then please don’t hesitate to contact us and send us your texts for our team to take a look at. We’d love to hear from you!

This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. Its content reflects the views of the author (The European Footprints initiative) only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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