Pour que les objectifs de développement durable soient atteints, chacun doit faire sa part – les gouvernements, le secteur privé, la société civile et le grand public – et bien sûr, vous aussi, vous en faites partie !

Dans cette série de blogs, vous découvrirez comment mettre en œuvre ces objectifs dans la vie quotidienne.

Tale of a slow journey: packing hacks

Tale of a slow journey: packing hacks

When you go on a walking trip, you find yourself reconsidering the importance of many objects. It was one of the first discoveries we made while meticulously organising our adventure: we drew up a list of things to bring, made a test by putting them in our backpacks...

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“Doposcuola Quarticciolo”: An educational community

“Doposcuola Quarticciolo”: An educational community

Part 4In this post, I will walk you through another project that during the pandemic year has brought us to expand and formally establish ourselves as a network of actors that deal with the education and development of youngsters in the neighbourhood. As Doposcuola...

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Navigating the World with Disability

Navigating the World with Disability

Universal Design, Tourette's and Reasonable AccommodationsMay May 20th was Global Accessibility Awareness Day (#GAAD). I have to admit I had never heard of this day, I only came across it because of tweets of some disabled people I follow on Twitter. Because of GAAD,...

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Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 3

Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 3

Living without meat is not difficult but it is easy to consume meat unconsciously.In today’s chapter I am going to tell you about the latest updates on my no-meat journey and how I ended up eating meat without knowing it was meat.  The day I started my pledge not to...

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Transparency explained (with a pencil and a glass of water)

Transparency explained (with a pencil and a glass of water)

Transparency of public institutions is a basic condition for democracy to work. It promotes good governance and builds trust in the policy- and decision-making process. It is also an important tool in preventing mistakes and wrongdoing by public officials.

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Reducing plastic waste: Bye-bye single-use plastics

Reducing plastic waste: Bye-bye single-use plastics

Hey everyone, thanks for checking in on my journey again! I hope you’ve all been doing well – has anyone tried making some plastic-free changes in the bathroom or kitchen yet? If you have, please tell me how you’ve been getting on, I’d love to know ☺ – and also feel...

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Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 2

Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 2

37 days without eating meat and ... that’s okay!In today's chapter I am going to tell you about my first 37 days without eating meat, the difficult challenges or struggles that I have faced, and how I have overcome them. So, let's get started! The first week was a bit...

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This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. Its content reflects the views of the author (The European Footprints initiative) only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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