Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 1

par | Mai 29, 2021 | Blog, La santé et le bien-être, La société, MakeAPledge

Hola a todos! First of all: Thank you for taking the time to get here and read the first piece of my

#MakeAPledge no-meat journey 🙂

I am Eli, I am 28 years old and I was born in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Valencia (Spain). I studied Political Science and I have a Master in International Development Cooperation. Thanks to this, in August 2016, I came to Hamburg (Germany) to do an internship in an environmental NGO called Baltic Environmental Forum Germany (BEF Germany). This is where I stayed and where I currently work as a PR/Social Media expert.

Before this experience, I already had environmental concerns and I cared quite a lot about the effects of climate change and the unsustainable and environmentally damaging lifestyle of today’s societies. But let’s say that the fact of joining BEF marked a “before and after” in me, as a consumer. And it was from there onwards that I began to become aware and I changed my small consumer habits towards a more environmentally responsible behaviour.

Why did I decide to join the European Footprints’ #MakeAPledge initiative and not eat meat for 2 months?

Without a doubt, there are plenty of figures, statistics and facts that prove how unsustainable meat production and consumption are all over the planet, in terms of its devastating effects on the planet and, of course, the moral factor. Why should we kill and eat animals if there are already alternatives to this diet?

I myself come from a country where a lot of meat is produced and consumed. I have grown up surrounded by the best Iberian sausage, ham, salami, chorizo … and a long etcetera. In fact, most of the typical dishes have meat or fish or come from an animal e.g. paella with chicken, rabbit and snails (yes, we also eat snails – they are delicious). You know what? I love meat! Good quality meat is just a unique experience and it’s so tasty!!

The problem today is that the meat production process has become so industrialized and perverted that it is extremely cheap to buy 300g of meat at an average supermarket, when our grandparents ate meat maybe only once a week, or even less. Moreover, experts are pointing out the benefits of a return to the Mediterranean diet, which originally had low amounts of meat in it.

It’s been a few years now that I have reconsidered my meat consumption and in fact, I have reduced it quite a bit. As soon as I found out about this initiative I decided to move to the next level and not eat meat for two months – maybe more.

From a meat lover to a no-meat diet

If you have read this far, felt inspired by or identified with my story, then I invite you to follow my pledge at @european.footprints. During this time, I will share with you my struggles, challenges, sorrows, happiness and successes in this new no-meat journey for me.

Thank you for your support and stay tuned!



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This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. Its content reflects the views of the author (The European Footprints initiative) only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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