Diary of a no-meat life – Chapter 3

par | Juil 8, 2021 | Blog, La santé et le bien-être, La société, MakeAPledge

Living without meat is not difficult but it is easy to consume meat unconsciously.

In today’s chapter I am going to tell you about the latest updates on my no-meat journey and how I ended up eating meat without knowing it was meat. 

The day I started my pledge not to eat meat was the 1st of May. Without a doubt, a date that I will never forget- not only because I belong to the working class. Since that day, I have been adamant and consciously refused to eat meat: at home with my partner, in restaurants, in bars, on barbecues with friends, at home with my parents, etc. But I’m going to tell you something very strange that happened to me, and how I ended up consuming meat and only realized it 7 hours after the event.

The day in question (my 54th day of the pledge), at 7 AM I was receiving my first Covid-19 vaccine dosis at the doctor’s, which is right next to my favourite bakery in my neighborhood. I don’t go there very often because it’s a bit “far” from my house. Then I said to myself: “Eli, after you get the vaccine, you go and buy a salty croissant. You haven’t eaten it in a long time! Treat yourself.” So, there I went, my head was only thinking about « ham and croissant”- but in German!!! 

You can’t really know how speaking different languages can affect your brain until you live in such particular situations. Of course I know that ham is meat. But at that moment, I was not aware of the situation and I broke totally thoughtlessly my pledge in the most innocent way. 

Living without meat is not difficult, only it is easy to consume meat unconsciously. Because in real life it is difficult to end the habits, behaviors and pleasures which we have had since ages. It takes determination, perfection, and being actively aware all the time. But wait, we must not be so picky. It is clear that one cannot be perfect all the time. Each person is different, each one of us has our internal and adaptation processes. 

That is why, despite feeling really bad when I discovered that I had eaten meat – because I remembered by chance in the afternoon – nothing happened. I’m human, surprise! The important thing is to be aware, enjoy the journey and move at our own pace. The “when” or the “order” does not matter exactly 😊 

From a meat lover to a no-meat diet

If you have read this far, have felt inspired by or identified with my story. Then I invite you to follow my pledge at @european.footprints. During this time, I will share with you my struggles, challenges, sorrows, happiness and success in this new no-meat journey for me. Thank you for your support and stay tuned!

Ps. Maybe you can relate or have anything else to add? I would love to read your experiences in the comment section.

Watch my Instagram Reels as well:


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